Moment of truth. Confession of faith. Call to action. These phrases sound familiar to those of us compelled and called by Kairos Palestine, the 2009 initiative that brings “a word of faith, hope and love” from the besieged Christian community of Palestine. In the years since 2009, Kairos Palestine has become a global movement. Churches have brought its […]
Traveling to the Holy Land? Plan to stop and pray at Church of the Checkpoint
Checkpoint 300 controls travel between Bethlehem and Jerusalem. Thousands of Palestinian people pass through it daily under the surveillance and questioning of rotating Israeli Defense Forces personnel. Observers with Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel also report for duty here; they count the numbers who travel and note the treatment commuting workers receive. Additionally, […]
Public witness: Gather at a wall for the upcoming World Week for Peace
In support of World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel, Kairos USA is encouraging peace and justice advocates across the U.S. and around the world to demonstrate against the illegal West Bank separation wall. World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel is an annual event sponsored by the Palestine Israel Ecumenical Forum of the World Council of Churches. […]
Germany, the Palestinian call, and a challenge to the church: Part I
Four years ago I was in Stuttgart, Germany for my first speaking tour in that country. My book had been published in German with the title Fatal Shame: Israel’s Politics and the Silence of the Christians. Several church groups eager to bring a message supportive of the Palestinian cause to German audiences had organized my visit. But […]
Desmond Tutu to the German churches: Time to break the silence
Every two years, the German Evangelical Church, which is a federation of the Lutheran and Reformed church denominations in Germany, holds the Kirchentag, or Church Assembly. This five-day congress brings together between 100,000 and 200,000 visitors. This year, dissatisfied with the Kirchentag’s non-acceptance of their program submissions, a coalition of several church-based networks in Germany […]
A Pentecost reflection: Incendiary Kairos spirit breaks the silence and speaks
The story of Pentecost follows not long after Jesus’ crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. It recounts the dramatic scene from Acts 2 where an international, multi-ethnic mix of pilgrims have gathered Jerusalem. These visitors receive flaming, ear-shattering signs and gifts of the Spirit. Suddenly everyone is speaking foreign languages and being understood by strangers. Memorable preaching […]
Episcopalian group seeks ‘the justice side of history’
As the Episcopal Church approaches its 78th General Convention in Salt Lake City this June, a new group has formed to advocate for a just and lasting peace in the Holy Land. The Episcopal Committee for Justice in Israel and Palestine has issued a statement and resolution calling on the church to recognize the new political realities in […]
Kairos LA Conference: Road to Emmaus runs through Pasadena
Traditional wisdom for the 40 days between the Resurrection and the Ascension of Christ advises, “Keep your eyes open. You just might run into the Risen Christ!” As the disciples discovered on their way to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-27), such revelatory moments leave our hearts warmed and our spirits engaged. So it was at our Kairos […]
A Lenten reflection: “My kingdom is not from this world”
“Again, we repeat and proclaim that our Christian word in the midst of all this, in the midst of our catastrophe, is a word of faith, hope and love.” (Kairos Palestine Document, 1.5.1) “But Kairos is also about expressing hope, and this hope is expressed mainly through action. Christians in small towns in the USA […]
A litany for Holy Week: Troubling days in Jerusalem
When Jesus entered Jerusalem for the last time, he arrived as a poor Palestinian worker. He understood that his message and actions threatened the powerful Empire in control of his country and his people. Contemporary Palestinians still face a similar situation. Their movement is circumscribed and controlled. They are not granted human rights. They are […]